Lip Sync Write-Up

We did a lip sync exercise, in which we honed our filming, editing and managing of a music video, which would be vital for our A2 coursework. There were three main roles when we were filming the lipsync music video, these were: floor manager, playback and director. In these roles, we either managed the floor, where we made sure filming started in time with the music, and that all the actors were ready before the playback was started.

I learnt that in order to be able to successfully edit a music video, you needed playback, so you could identify how the clips would fit together, when you were making cuts from two different clips.

In the editing suite we first marked in all of our useful clips, and started them at the same mark by listening for a sound of a drum, so we could match up our clips to make cutting easier and make it more seamless. We then got a few different clips, where there was something funny or exciting happening and placed them in the video.

We did make a few mistakes when we were editing, such as marking the clip incorrectly so it didn't line up. I know now that the playback is absolutely essential to the success of the music video, and that making sure that clips are started at the same point will make life significantly easier.
