Target 1 (feedback)

My first target was to think of a better and more detailed third element. The idea we had in mind was having fish in a tank, swimming through red ink. This element was interesting in theory, but for only around 10 seconds. Due to this, we realised it would not be a viable third element.

I began by brainstorming ideas of things that fit with our overall concept, and that were both interesting and aesthetically pleasing. I came up with the idea of using red smoke, or red dust, and blasting it at our dancers. Again I ran into the same problem; doing it more than twice would be boring. I asked my teacher for help, and he gave me this advice: "If the element itself can be the whole video, its the right one." I then went to make my focus less on small, interesting objects - to big interesting concepts.

The first concept my group and I thought of was to use our white room again, and place a bed in the centre of it. The sheets and pillows would be completely red in one set, and completely white in the other. The artist would then be lying on the bed, either with a man (red sheets) or alone (white sheets). Our idea behind this was through the connotations that those colours suggest: red is passionate, love, violence - white being isolation, loneliness, purity. However, this idea we realised may be difficult for our actors, and could also be seen as just a repeat of our red and white couch.

Our most recent concept for our third element is to have the artist on the floor, with either white or red light shining underneath her. An example of this is shown below:

Our artist would also then implement the connotations mentioned above, into how she moves on top of the light, but this way without a male actor with her, placing a larger focus on her. 
