Target 2 (Feedback)
Our second target was related to our performance element. We realized that when interpretive dance is used in music videos, such as the one below, it is generally not effective, and can get boring and comical at times.
We then did some research into a dance style that would be more appropriate for our music video. We first looked at hip-hop, but decided that it didn't fit the style of both our song and music video concept. I then decided to watch some music videos of similar artists such as Ariana Grande and Katy Perry, and noticed that they all used contemporary dance as their main dance style. I then loaded a video of a couple dancing with a contemporary style and played our song, 'Chasing Highs', in the background and found that it was very appropriate. Due to this, I pitched the idea of using contemporary dance for our music video to my group, which they welcomed, and is now going to be what we aim to do for our performance element. Below is a similar video and a link to the song, so you can see for yourself (the chorus of the song starts at 0:36, where the dancing seems most fitting).
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