Looking at album artwork of similar products

Below are multiple pictures of different albums from the same genre as our artist (pop).

Looking at these digipaks, even briefly, you can see obvious commonalities. Firstly, in terms of framing, the artist is always in the centre of the panel. In addition to this, this shot is usually a close up of the artist. E.g Below.

The colours on the albums are usually quite light and playful and adhere to the feminine nature of modern pop music, which is largely dominated by women. Having the same colour scheme adheres to their genre convention, which essentially has been created by the increasing number of women in pop music over the past 50 years.

The star image is also aptly expressed through all of the above albums, making the audience know that they weren't just buying some music, they were buying 'Ariana,' or 'Rihanna.' This is shown by the artist being the centre of attention, suggesting they are superior and almost mythologises them.

The target audience is definitely addressed in all these album covers, as they both adhere to the genre conventions, and appeal to their target audience. The artist knows that the playful and artist-centred images they put on their albums will attract their target audience (females 8-30) as its images they find aesthetically pleasing as women and as fans of pop music.


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